Building a Pond with Biologists who use natural methods of Building a pond for fish and wildlife - Building a pond with most pond builders produces a pond that looks & functions artificially

at first building a pond may seem simple. building a pond right takes much more thought than most "pond building professionals" even consider since most of them are converted pond hobbyists. Thousands of ponds are simple muddy holes. to build a pond you will enjoy or build a pond that is an asset, invest lots of time and thought. We consult for building ponds across North America. we help in building a pond in colorado, california, montana, vermont, new hampshire, new york, north carolina, connecticut, new jersey, pennsylvania, wyoming, idaho, oregon, washington, maine, pennsylvania ponds, minnesota, iowa, indiana, illinois, michigan, wisconsin, ohio, virginia, georgia ponds, and florida.


Building a pond with
Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts

We are specialized Aquatic Biologists dedicated to building ponds featuring clear water, natural aesthetics and minimal to no maintenance. From building ornamental ponds or landscape ponds up to farm ponds and trout pond building projects, our designs are based on practical knowledge and experience as well as scientific knowledge of our professional aquatic biologists. If you own a pond, or are considering building a pond, please follow the links below to learn more of what our innovative yet practical approach offers you.

Within these pages you will find helpful thoughts for building a pond, as well as a planning and design guide for building ponds. Whether you are building a small pond of several thousand gallons or building a large pond of more than a hundred acres, we have solutions for you.


We look forward to discussing the possibilities of bringing your water to life!

building a pond with spring creek

building ponds with spring creek
Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts

'bringing water to life'

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Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts
P.O. Box 2431
Tualatin, OR 97062-2431
(971) 266 4669

© 1999 Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts

Building a Pond with a Biologist is the best way of Building a pond for fish and wildlife - Building a pond with most pond builders produces an artificial looking pond.

Building a pond with a Biologist gives you a pond that's completely natural instead of building a pond that looks artificial with rocks and barkdust around the pond. If you are building a pond, make it natural. If you invest your hard work and money into building a pond, you will want the most aesthetic natural look to enjoy.

Building a Pond

How to Build a Pond by Biologists who can Build a Pond habitat naturally

How to Build a pond with Biologists who build pond habitats that are completely natural instead of most pond builders who build a pond with artificial looking rocks and barkdust around the pond. If you want to build a pond, make it natural. If you invest hard work and money to build a pond, you will want to build a pond with the most aesthetic natural look possible. It is easy to build a pond that looks bad. Much more thought is required to build a pond that functions naturally. So often you read it doesn't take a rocket scientist to build a pond. While this is true for the vast number of low quality garden ponds that litter the land, The reality is much more science is required to build a high quality pond than the majority of the pond building industry even realizes.

How to Build a pond to appear natural

How to build a natural pond by Biologists who build natural pond habitats. Building ponds is more than a job for us; building ponds is a passion. Your pond building project will benefit greatly from our knowledge; pond building is more science than most people realize. Consider that you will spend thousands building a pond. A small investment with us rewards you with a pond you can enjoy for years.

trout habitat

Trophy trout habitat designed by trout habitat Biologists. Trout habitat designers and experts.

pond habitat

pond habitat designed by pond habitat Biologists who are pond habitat experts.

fish ponds

natural fish ponds by Biologists. fish ponds design by Biologists.


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  pond construction