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If your reel SCREAMS, your rod STIFFENS, and your heart MOANS... you might be @TroutHooker!
It may say Trout Hooker on the door, but TroutHooker.net is for all fishermen. From our own soon to be @TroutHooker.net series of flies to general fishing tips and trout fishing tips from Fishery Biologists who build trophy trout habitats, you have more smiles and learn more about fishing at Trout Hooker. TroutHooker.net is all about bad humor, lies, HUGE fish and more tales!
We are completely tongue in cheek and hook in mouth here. This site
is for your enjoyment and we listen. What you want, we do.... within reason.
*** FISHING TIPS FOR TROUT & OTHER FISH BY BIOLOGISTS ****** BIOLOGISTS' SPRING TROUT FISHING TIPS *** For spring trout fishing as well as most freshwater game fish such as bass, walleye and pike in lakes look for two factors 1) warmer water and 2) food. There is one simple way to do this: fish the downwind end of the lake. Both the warmer water and feed will drift downwind and the fish will follow! In many cases this is the northeast shore. Watch the weather patterns for the area for several days before your trip. Know the direction of the prevailing winds or ask locally when you arrive. There is an exception to this idea when a large spring enters a lake or river. If the spring causes an area that stays warmer than the mid 40 F range, it will hold active fish all winter. Secret springs are the best since well known springs usually have a float-fest going on above them. We used to fish a secret spring on a lake in central Oregon. A reel with a silent drag was a very nice tool when fishing in stealth mode.
*** DO YOU HUNT FISH OR WISH FISH? *** It's a serious question! We find so many people just grab their fishing rods, run out to the nearest lake and site there wishin' for fish. Why would you do that? Wouldn't it be better to think ahead and know where the fish will be and what they will be doing? Sure, you can check the local fishing report, but those reports are from the average "wishing for fish" fishermen. Do you want to be one of them or do you want to be the Trophy Hunter? Sure, that 50 zillion dollar bass boat with the HD fish finder and the broadband internet connection to the coast guard and national weather service will help you catch more fish, but so will a $8.99 stream thermometer and a ball of twine! While the dude with the nascar emblazoned fishing jacket can cut cookies in a bathtub with his new boat, a little knowledge may put in just the right position on a little known lake with your rod bent and a cheesy grin on your face because of the billions of "wishin' fishermen" out there, you are the only one in the know! You remember that 10 second trout fishing tip we shared up above? We were sitting at an Oregon State Baseball game (GO BEAVS!) recently and in between cussing the ump, a fellow fan started talking fishing at @^@#^# lake (we might be cheesy, but we ain't easy!). That lake is NOT known for trout, but he talked about using our technique and he caught trout after trout that were several pounds each. He was not Richy Rich with a chartreuse bass boat and babe in matching bikini. He was just a regular guy! But the difference was he was catching irregular size trout! So what was his secret? He listened to us and planned ahead. He HUNTED his prey. Think about your next fishing trip now. Where will the fish be? What was the weather over the preceding week? Will that lake or stream even be your best choice? We can't stress enough the importance of becoming the Trout Hunter! Keep checking back as we add more thoughts as time permits. In the meantime remind us to tell you about one of our favorite dry fly fishing spots next to a county road. That is the place we listen for the cars coming and toss our fly rods in the grass so no one sees we are fishing over chunky rainbow trout where no one knows they even exist.
*** A WORD ABOUT CONSERVATION & WILD TROUT *** One serious note: By linking to us, you are helping us spread the word for our Private Wild Fish & Wildlife Preserve program. It is one way we give back to the environment from where we make our living.
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