Well it is virtually free. If you link to us in in of the ways suggested in the next paragraph, email us your pond question and a link to where you mentioned us. You will get a thoughtful scientific answer that is rare to find online. You may also call instead, but be sure to let us know where you linked to us. If you need suggestions of places for comments and links, try , especially where they have misled readers on the cost of construction. Doing a search for "pond forums" will present numerous choices. You do not need to promote our site; simply suggest it as another source to consider. Thank you.


We are a small company trying to get our message out across an internet dominated by large publishing sites that have no experience with creating natural waters. The only real method search engines have to rank sites are from elements like signals from social media and links from other sites. If you feel our information derived from our careers as Biologists is worthwhile reading instead of articles written by the media and discussion forum comments from people who've never created a habitat, then we'd appreciate a link or two anywhere you frequent online, be it an internet forum that could use a bit of sage professional advice or a group on a social media site you belong to such as Google+, facebook, youtube, instagram, pinterest, etc.

If you link to us somewhere, give us a call. We'd like to thank you by answering any questions you might have... (971) 266 4669

A link need not be fancy or even carry any targeted words like pond or lake builders. It just needs to be appropriate for the page where you are placing it. If you have a particular message you'd like to add with the link, just place the link within the sentence or paragraph. It's that easy.

While a link to any of our pages helps us create more habitat for native species in particular, here is a listing of pages from this site that may be most helpful to readers:     Our wild fish and wildlife refuge page. This page explains our benefit to native species and habitats.     The planning guide for lakes and ponds     A few pitfalls to avoid when building a habitat     All about costs to build ponds and lakes, finding leaks and other answers (LINKS TO THIS PAGE SEEM TO DO THE MOST GOOD)     A discussion of all types of ways to seal a pond or lake     Our definition of what natural habitats actually are     Things to avoid in ponds and lakes     Waterfront Property Buyer's Guide     Preventing mosquitoes in habitats for people     Actual natural swimming ponds info     Faqs about ponds lakes and streams     Types of waters we create     Google likes this page for the phrase Natural Ponds     For those big impact lake habitats     All about building trout habitats     This page shows how native wildflowers can be very beautiful in landscapes
















Preferred Code

Environmental Conservation Code

Spring Creek Code Code

Invisible Link Code - for sites that have no links list


Ponds and Pond Construction by Biologists at Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts. Designers of environmentally beneficial trophy fishing ponds, lakes and streams.

CODE to COPY: <a href="" title="Ponds by Biologists" target="_blank">Ponds</a> and <a href="" title="Pond Construction for fish and fishing ponds" target="_blank"> Pond Construction</a> by Biologists at <a href="" title="Ponds & Lakes by Biologists" target="_blank" >Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts</a>. Designers of environmentally beneficial trophy fishing ponds, lakes and streams.


In this web world we live in, subtle differences can separate success from failure as is also very true in natural environments. In helping Spring Creek promote our message, we hope to help you out as well by pointing out a few of the factors that improve exposure of websites. One of these factors is the importance of giving a link a name that will produce more traffic than simply the link can do on its own. By giving a link the name of a common search term, you boost that website up to a higher ranking on the search engines for that search term.

For example, a link to our ponds page using the common search term "ponds" will help us rise to the top of search results on many of the most popular search engines. Naming the link title after our company name is not going to be as productive. In hind sight we should have called our company "Ponds", but that is already taken by a popular soap manufacturer. Here are two examples; the first is a great link to us and the second is not that great.

Great Link:
1) Ponds by Biologists at Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts. Designers of environmentally beneficial ponds and lakes.

Code: <a href="" target="_blank"> Ponds by Biologists </a> at Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts. Designers of environmentally beneficial ponds and lakes.

Not too great:
2) Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts Designers of environmentally beneficial ponds and lakes.

Code: <a href="" target="_blank">Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts</a> Designers of environmentally beneficial ponds and lakes.

Add a "title" to the link to create the very best link for us: (titles do not work in older versions of Netscape)

Ponds by Biologists at Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts. Designers of environmentally beneficial ponds and lakes.

Code: <a href="" title="Ponds by Biologists who design environmentally beneficial and economically superior ponds and lakes." target="_blank"> Ponds by Biologists </a> at Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts. Designers of environmentally beneficial ponds and lakes.

The following are our Suggested Link Titles for Spring Creek.

For our ponds.html page:

Ponds by Biologists
Fish Ponds by Biologists
Trophy Fishing Ponds by Biologists
Natural Ponds by Biologists

For our index.html page:

Pond Construction by Biologists
Trout Habitats by Biologists
Trophy Trout Lakes by Biologists
Natural Lake Design by Biologists
Fishing Lakes by Biologists

These are only suggestions. Feel free to use whatever link title you wish

While these descriptions do not quite describe our efforts for developing ecologically significant habitats, they are simple popular search terms that are much more popular than "Ecologically Beneficial Ponds and Lakes by Biologists", which is a very rare search phrase. (if you run out and use that long search phrase, we will know you are toying with us!)

What these common and simple search terms will do is to bring the general public in to hear our positive message of the benefits of creating naturally functioning habitats that help society and the environment instead of inefficiently using our water resources.

OK now on with the rest...


We ask that you use this link since it helps our search engine rankings and any page in this "super link" is an appropriate entry page to our web site. This link looks like any regular single link, so it will not clutter your page. This is the preferred link form for pages that have high page rankings on If you aren't sure what your page ranking is, email us at [email protected] and we will let you know your page rank. thanks!

The link as it appears on your page:

Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts Biologists who design and develop trophy fishing lakes and ponds.

Please change the link description to whatever fits the theme of your website, such as: Biologists who build habitats for sensitive fish species on private property to become refuges

The code:

<a href="" Target="_blank"> S</a><a href="" Target="_blank">p</a><a href=""Target="_blank">r</a><a href="" Target="_blank">i</a><a href="" Target="_blank">n</a><a href="" Target="_blank">g</a><a href="" Target="_blank">&nbsp;</a><a href="" Target="_blank">C</a><a href="" Target="_blank">r</a><a href="" Target="_blank">e</a><a href="" Target="_blank">e</a><a href="" Target="_blank">k</a>&nbsp;<a href="" Target="_blank">Aquatic Concepts</a> Biologists who design and develop trophy fishing lakes and ponds.

If, for some reason the above link doesn't work with your web page, the following may work better:

The code:

<a href="" Target="_blank"> Spring</a><a href="" Target="_blank">&nbsp;</a><a href="" Target="_blank">Creek</a><a href="" Target="_blank">&nbsp;</a><a href="" Target="_blank">Aquatic</a><a href="" Target="_blank">&nbsp;</a><a href="" Target="_blank">Concepts</a><a href="" Target="_blank">&nbsp;</a> Biologists who design and develop trophy fishing lakes, ponds and streams.

Which looks like this:

Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts  Biologists who design and develop trophy fishing lakes, ponds and streams.

As you can see, they both look like regular links for your page. They just help our search engine rankings. We really appreciate you using these codes!


To link to our Environmental pages, please use the following suggestions:

Click=>read more about our Environmental Program You can help our Environmental Program by linking to us and suggesting our ideas to anyone thinking of building water features or aquatic habitats.

Invasive Species Page:
<a href="" target="_blank">Aquatic Invasive Species Information</a> Why native plants are best.

Private Environmental Initiative Page:
<a href="" target="_blank">Spring Creek's Environmental Program for Lakes & Ponds</a>

Environmental Ponds Page:
<a href="" target="_blank">Natural Ponds by Biologists</a>

Ponds and Lakes Lessons page:
<a href=" " target="_blank">Ponds & Lakes - Lessons from Biologists</a> Answers to questions about the origins and biology of ponds and lakes, including our Rate-a-lake test.

Invisible Link Code

If your web site has no area appropriate to list links to other sites, you can still assist our environmental agenda with an invisible link. While we will not get any direct visitors from your site, it still contributes to our search engine ranking score which puts us higher in search engine results. This helps us get our environmental message out to people who may not even be looking to a positive environmental solution such as ours. This is a very elegant and far reaching way to get the message out. Here is the code:

<a href="" >   </a>


If you wish to link to Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts with a simpler link, please use these codes:

To link to Spring Creek with a text link:

<a href="" title="Fish ponds to trophy fishing ponds, lakes & streams by Biologists." target=_blank">Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts</a>

Or simply:

<a href="" target="_blank">Spring Creek Aquatic Concepts</a>

To link to Spring Creek with the small lake graphic:

<a href="" border="0" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Fish ponds to trophy fishing ponds, lakes & streams by Biologists"></a>

Replace the "" with your actual domain name. Then copy this image to your "images" directory (or wherever you store images on your site): Be sure to name it "trout.ponds.jpg", if you want the codes here to work. Notice there is a period between trout and ponds in the image name "trout.ponds.jpg". Leave off the quotation marks. Also, please don't link to the images stored on our site. That would make our logs show every hit to your site as a hit to us; which would make it appear that we had way more visitors than we actually have.


To link to Spring Creek with the larger fish graphic:

<a href="" border="0" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Fish ponds to trophy fishing ponds, lakes & streams by Biologists"></a>

Replace the "" with your actual domain name. Then copy this image to your "images" directory (or wherever you store images on your site): Be sure to name it "trout.lakes.jpg", if you want the codes here to work. Notice there is a period between trout and lakes in the image name "trout.lakes.jpg". Leave off the quotation marks. Also, please don't link to the images stored on our site. That would make our logs show every hit to your site as a hit to us; which would make it appear that we had way more visitors than we actually have.


To link to Trout Hooker Net with a text link, Please use the following code:

<a href="" title="Trout fishing tips from Biologists who build Trophy Trout habitat, humor and Trout Hooker email!" target="_blank">Trout Hooker Net</a>

To use our swimming fish graphic to link to us:

<a href="" border="0" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Trout fishing tips from Biologists who build Trophy Trout habitat, humor and Trout Hooker email!"></a>

Replace the "" with your actual domain name. Then copy this image to your "images" directory (or wherever you store images on your site): Be sure to name it "trout.hooker.gif", if you want the codes here to work. Notice there is a period between trout and hooker in the image name "trout.hooker.gif". Leave off the quotation marks. Also, please don't link to the images stored on our site. That would make our logs show every hit to your site as a hit to us; which would make it appear that we had way more visitors than we actually have.

To get your links to behave like the links on our site work, cut and paste the following into the <head> area of your HTML page.

A:link {color:green; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none}
A:visited {color:green; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none}
A:hover {color:red; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none}
A:active {color:black; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none}

Change the font color, font face and other attributes to suit your needs.

That's all there is to it! We greatly appreciate the links, thanks.